Thursday, April 28, 2011

Configuring VPIM networking in CUE

This tutorial will cover any additional tasks to my previous tutorial “Easy approach for Configuring and Setting up Cisco Unity Express” . Here, i will show you the steps needed in order to configure , manage and troubleshoot Voice Profile for Internet Messaging (VPIM) networking between CUE to other Voice Mail Systems such as Unity or even CUE itself. For timebeing,I will cover only CUE side of things.For setting up Unity side,follow this post by Mr.Vik Malhi.

Lets get started now.

I assume , we have the following parameters to begin with:

Unity DN’s : 5XXX
Unity Location ID : 100
CUE Location ID : 200

VPIM networking between CUE and Unity requires use of DNS server.Normally, your Cisco Unity box will be setup as a DNS server.You have option to setup DNS when configuring CUE out of box Or you can configure it later using CUE command-line interface .

Define DNS Server:(“X.X.X.X” will be substituted by actual DNS server ip address)

ip name-server X.X.X.X

Verify Host Entries:

show ip dns cache
show hosts

You will also need to define 2 locations i.e One for CUE and another for Unity and then set CUE location as a Local location.

Define Unity Location ID:

network location id 100
name Unity
email domain

Define CUE Location ID and set it as Local:

network location id 200
name CUE
email domain

network local location id 200

Verify Network Locations :

show network locations
show network detail location id < location-id >
show network detail local

Assuming Unity Side of things are configured, we can leave Messages for Unity Subscriber by first dialing their Location ID “100″ followed by subcriber’s mailbox on remote system e.g “5001″.However, you can also setup Remote VPIM subscribers in CUE so that you don’t have to dial “location id” anymore.You can leave them messages simply using their Mailbox directory number.

Creating Remote VPIM users in CUE:

remote username hquser1 location 100 create
remote username hquser2 location 100 create
remote username hquser1 phonenumber 5001
remote username hquser2 phonenumber 5002

Create a Public Distribution List (PDL) on CUE:

Here,we will create a PDL for HQ site .Any Voice Mail sent to PDL # 5000 will be sent to both members ‘hquser1′ and ‘hquser2′

list name hqsite number 5000 create
list number 5000 description hqphones
list number 5000 member hquser1 type remote
list number 5000 member hquser2 type remote

Verify Remote Users Settings:

show remote users

If you suspect problems with VPIM networking , you can enable tracing and see which messages are actually being exchanged between local and remote Voice Mail Systems.

Enable VPIM tracing:

no trace all
trace networking smtp all
trace networking vpim all
show trace buffer tail

Verify messages received from Unity:

show remote cache
show network queues

Test Your VPIM Configuration:

Now,you can test VPIM configuration by sending a Voice Mail to Unity subscriber.Remember,we setup remote VPIM users in CUE so,we don’t need to remember location id anymore for sending VPIM messages.Here’s how you do it.

  • Press Messages button and log into your mailbox
  • Press option ’2′ and use “dial by extension” option by pressing ‘##’
  • Dial MailBox DN of VPIM user e.g 5001 ,record and send message.

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