Thursday, April 28, 2011

Configuring and Setting up Cisco Unity Express

CUE is one of neat topics in CCIE Voice Lab exam . I consider it as a “bonus topic” because if done in right way,you can acquire marks pretty easily and without much effort. For me personally, its more easier using Command-Line Interface (CLI) than wasting valuable lab time with GUI because every single minute counts in 8-hour long exam. I will attempt to take Pushkar’s approach a bit further by incorporating additional configuration tasks as well as verification and troubleshooting tips.These are my personal study tips and can be easily mastered by any one if you even try it 2-3 times only.

I will divide this topic into several configuration chunks to help you understand and digest this topic fairly easily.

To begin with, Lets integrate CUE with CUCME using “sip” subsystem.”X.X.X.X” is CME side ip address.

ccn subsystem sip
gateway address X.X.X.X

Say, you are required to setup Voice Mail as well as Auto Attendant.In addition, you are told to setup Greeting Management System for managing prompts.

Voice Mail Pilot Number = 6600

ccn trigger sip phonenumber 6600
application voicemail

Auto Attendant DN = 6100

ccn trigger sip phonenumber 6100
application “autoattendant”

GMS / Telephony User Interface(TUI) = 6200

ccn trigger sip phonenumber 6200
application “promptmgmt”

Voice Mail Operator Extension = 6001

voicemail operator telephone 6001

Next,Define Subscribers at CUE with primary Extensions as : 600X and assign Alternate Extensions as 4600x.

User ‘sitec1′ with Extension : 6001 and Alternate Extension : 46001

username sitec1 create
username sitec1 phonenumber 6001
username sitec1 phonenumberE164 46001

User ‘sitec2′ with Extension : 6002 and Alternate Extension : 46002

username sitec1 create
username sitec1 phonenumber 6002
username sitec1 phonenumberE164 46002

You can achieve same results from CME if you don’t want to use “phonenumberE164″ option using ‘ephone-dn’ and a ‘translation-profile’.

Next,Allocate Mailboxes for recently created Subscribers and configure them not to play tutorials upon Login.In addition,Subcriber1 should have standard greeting played whereas Subcriber2 should have alternate greeting played when a caller reaches his/her mailbox.Also,allow caller to be transferred to Operator Extension if they press “O’ after landing in user2′s mailbox.Enable VM CLID as well.

Enable Voice Mail Caller ID

voicemail callerid

Subscriber’s Mailbox Creation and Tuning:

voicemail mailbox owner sitec1
no tutorial

voicemail mailbox owner sitec2
zerooutnumber “6001″
greeting alternate
no tutorial

Configure a PIN for users to access their Mailboxes(from exec mode):

username sitec1 pin 12345
username sitec2 pin 12345

Now,Lets define a General Delivery Mailbox(GDM) in which ‘sitec1′ user should have ability to read and delete all VoiceMail whereas any other user should have “read-only” access.In addition,GDM should be accessible via GMS/TUI.

Create GDM with Extension : 6250

groupname GDM create
groupname GDM phonenumber 6250
groupname GDM owner sitec1
groupname GDM member sitec1
groupname GDM member sitec2
groupname GDM privilege ManagePrompts

Remember, if GDM doesn’t have an owner defined,any other GDM users can delete messages.So, its a good practice to configure GDM owners for deployment purposes.

Set MWI On/Off extensions and allow 8 simulatenous session for it.

MWI On DN : 6998 , MWI Off DN : 6999

Remember,you don’t need to remember any commands.Just a ‘show run’ will reveal the following MWI section output.You just need to change placeholder values for MWI On/Off extensions and you are good to go.

ccn application ciscomwiapplication
description “ciscomwiapplication”
maxsessions 8
script “setmwi.aef”
parameter “strMWI_OFF_DN” “6999″
parameter “strMWI_ON_DN” “6998″
parameter “CallControlGroupID” “0″
end application

Sometimes, the MWI lights on a user’s phone get out of synchronization with the voice message status of the mailbox. When this condition happens, the MWI light is lit although the mailbox has no new messages or the MWI light is not lit even though the mailbox has new messages.In order to refresh MWI status, here are the commands:

MWI Refresh for a Single Subscriber:

mwi refresh telephonenumber 6001

MWI Refresh for All Subscribers:

mwi refresh all

Finally,you can verify all details using combination of following commands:

show users
show user detail username sitec1
show user detail username sitec2
show privileges
show groups privileges
show groups
show group detail groupname GDM
show voicemail detail mailbox sitec1
show voicemail detail mailbox sitec2

These are just a handful of commands to remember.But,they can prove very helpful if you practice them only few times.You can easily save alot of time instead of resorting to GUI because GUI can be time-consuming.

from brainbump

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